Payment Options

商务办公室是全球网络赌博平台的会计办公室.  学生金融服务通过出纳办公室提供, Student Account Representatives or via Jet Stream Student Finance and include:

  • Billing of tuition and fees
  • Receipt of payments
  • Student refunds

Need help? Text our business office at 517.401.6474 for assistance!

Image of money and graduation cap

  • Pay Online

    The fastest and easiest way to pay your bill.  在线付款将立即发送到您的学生帐户,可以由学生或授权用户进行支付.

    • Checking/Savings Account: 从您的支票或储蓄帐户中进行的电子支付.  您必须输入ABA路由号码和银行帐号,以便正确发送付款.  Do not enter debit card numbers here.
    • Credit/Debit Card: 全球网络赌博平台接受Visa、万事达卡、美国运通卡和Discover卡.


    Student Online Payment Log In    Authorized User Log In

  • Set up a Payment Plan

    您可以通过访问支付计划网站在线注册当前学期费用的支付计划.  There is a non-refundable $30.每学期支付00美元的注册费.  一旦加入付款计划,整个帐户余额将被分成分期付款. 付款计划余额每日评估,并可能因注册变更而增加或减少, which may affect payment amounts.

    Student Online Payment Log In    Authorized User Log In


    Monthly installments are processed the 15th ,不得以任何理由延长. 


  • Pay by Mail

    To pay by mail, please send checks to:

    Jackson College
    Attn: Cashier
    2111 Emmons Road
    Jackson, MI  49201



  • Third Party Sponsorships

    全球网络赌博平台与许多公司和机构安排支付学生的学费和杂费. We require the following information:

    1. 担保人的授权必须至少在您的付款截止日期之前或不迟于一个工作日到达商务办公室,否则您可能会因未付款而失去注册课程的位置. 提交的付款或报销凭证以赞助商合同为准. 如果担保人授权部分付款,学生将负责应付余额. 学生有责任放弃他/她不打算参加的课程.
    2. 以下信息必须出现在担保人的授权书中:
      • Student Name
      • Student Number
      • Clear billing instructions
    3. 被资助学生每学期必须提交新的授权书或凭证.
  • International Payments

    全球网络赌博平台与FlyWire合作,提供一种创新和简化的方式来支付国际学费.  With FlyWire, 我们为您提供极好的外汇兑换率, 允许你用本国货币支付(在大多数情况下),节省大量的钱, as compared to traditional banks. In addition, 付款到您的全球网络赌博平台帐户将会更快, 你将能够跟踪你的付款是从开始到结束

    flywire logo

  • Financial Aid Options


    Financial Aid
  • Pay by Appointment

    By Appointment

    安排电话或亲自与全球网络赌博平台收银员预约, please use the following link.

    Schedule an appointment
  • Health Science Programs Application Fee

    申请付款可通过电话或虚拟预约使用信用卡或亲自使用现金, check or credit card.


    付款将于周一至周四上午8点开始接受.m. until 5 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. until noon.

    In Person Payments


    Phone or Virtual Appointment

    安排电话或亲自预约与全球网络赌博平台出纳员, please use the following link.

    Schedule an appointment